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About us

​¨Chietón Morén¨ means ¨a fair deal¨ in Brunka language. We are a museum and store, located in San José, Costa Rica, in which we, artisans from indigenous communities of Costa Rica, exhibit and sell our art and products.

The project was born many years ago from the Brunka indigenous community, with the support of the CEDI (Dominican Research Center). Today, we are around 250 artisans from eight different indigenous groups in the country.

Chietón Morén is all about identity and dignity.

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To make visible the cultural wealth of the indigenous people of Costa Rica and encourage fair dealing for the sale of their art 



To be a reference in the promotion and preservation of the cultural wealth of the indigenous peoples of Costa Rica, highlighting the authenticity and quality of the artistic creations of these communities

Our museum

We have an exhibit of our eight different indigenous communities. The visitor can find information about our culture, our way of life, our crafts and how we make them.

It should be noted that this is not a history museum, it is not something academic. It is a direct meeting and an invitation. You will read what we - in our own words  - we want you to know about us. The design was made in collaboration with the staff of the National Museum. There is a very precise map of Costa Rica that indicates our territories. You will find the information you need in case you want to visit us. It's a pleasure!

Free entrance.

Our Market

Sales are direct, from producer to consumer. Each object has a small label with the name of the artisan who made it, as well as the territory where it comes from. So, if you want to take, as a souvenir or gift, something beautiful, original, authentic and affordable, Chietón Morén is the place to be.

Artisans and craftswomen receive 80% of the profits from sales in the store, the remainder is used for its operation and tax obligations. The store works only with volunteers, who are responsible for the complete management of the project.

Participation mechanism
of indigenous territories in the store 

Each community establishes a commission of Chietón Morén artisans with only two specific tasks:

  • Openly and publicly call all artisans in the community to join the Chietón Morén committee.

  • Certify that the products that will be exhibited in Chietón Morén comply with:

    • Respond to the tradition of your culture

    • Belong to indigenous artisans from their communities

    • They are not resale products


Once a month, Chietón Morén sends a sales report to each community, and pays each artisan directly.

In addition, there is a commitment from the CEDI (Dominican Research Center) to supervise and audit Chietón Morén to ensure its transparent administration.

There is a commitment from the CEDI (Dominican Research Center) to supervise and audit Chietón Morén to ensure its transparent administration.


Monday to Friday

10:30 am - 4:30 pm


10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Contact Us

2221-0145  8930-1371


25 meters south of the corner

southeast of the National Museum

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