Of all indigenous communities
of Costa Rica for the exhibition of
their artisan works.

Museum of the indigenous territories of Costa Rica
This museum gives you the opportunity to have a tour of each of the indigenous territories of Costa Rica. The museum is an open area that plans to expand and enrich itself with the communities that will come in the future.
There is free entry and the attendance is the same as the store schedule: Monday to Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
We are located on the 17th Street, 2nd and 6th Avenue, No. 225. From the southeast corner of the National Museum, 25 meters south.
We offer informative talks for groups with advance notice.

Participating territories
Currently, 17 indigenous territories or craftsmen and craftswomen groups participate in Chietón Morén, with a total of 250 people... and it continues to increase.

The Chietón Morén Museum and Market also offers the organization of workshops on a monthly basis.
The group must be a maximum of 20 people.
The project is sustained thanks to the work of a team of volunteers and students from the University of Costa Rica and other universities. These students carry out their University Community Work, contributing one day a week.
Normally, no person receives a salary in Chietón Morén. Personnel are hired only for short periods, medium time and in high season, if absolutely necessary.

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